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  • hellomade4more


Always have a current version of your resume to help you be more intentional with opportunities. A well-written and organized resume gives you an edge in a competitive work environment.

Here are few reasons why it is important to have an up to date resume.

First Impression: Your resume is the first impression you make on potential employers or recruiters. An outdated resume can make you look unprofessional and unprepared, while an updated one shows you are diligent, organized and serious about your career.

Increased chances of getting an interview: A current resume highlights your most recent achievements and qualifications, increasing your chances of being shortlisted for a job interview.

Adaptable to job postings: A well-updated resume can be easily tweaked to match different job postings' requirements, helping you to stand out from other applicants who are still using an outdated version.

Keeping track of career progress: Updating your resume regularly helps you keep track of your career progress, accomplishments and skillsets. It can also give you an opportunity to reflect on areas of improvement or identify areas where you need to develop further.

Quick availability for job opportunities: An up-to-date resume can be easily accessed and shared with potential employers or recruiters, ensuring you are quick to apply for job opportunities as they arise.

So, is your resume up to date? Time to dust it off and update it. You do not know where the next opportunity will come knocking.



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