What is your name?
I'm Esther
What do you do for a living?
I am a pharmacist and have been for over 10 years now. I love my career.
Do you do other things outside your work? Side hustle? Community commitment? Please list them.
I am a budding content creator and blogger. I am a Christian who loves Jesus and I serve in my church where I am a Sunday School leader and teacher. I also co-lead one of the church connect groups. I am currently undertaking a postgraduate diploma in clinical pharmacy practice via distance learning at Keele university.
Describe a typical day in your life
A ‘typical day’ involves working, studying, taking care of the children, spending time with my husband, sorting out the home, etc. No day is completely the same. It usually involves some or all of the above.
Are you married?
Do you have kids? If yes, how many?
2 beautiful children, a girl, and a boy.
How do you manage your day-to-day activities considering all your commitments?
God, my husband (the best teammate ever), planning, and utilizing childcare providers I.e. nursery and after-school club, as well as our family. I am so thankful to God and the amazing support network I have.
I put in the work. I work as unto the Lord so with a spirit of excellence. I put myself out there and went for roles that meant I progressed and gained experience too. I am not afraid to speak up for myself. I know my worth and value and walk/work in confidence. I make a note of writing down my achievements and aspirations and have regular conversations with my managers about them. Identifying a mentor, someone who is in a position you aspire to, and learning from them.
Were there any challenges or blockers on your way to becoming who you are now? If yes, what are those challenges?
Imposter syndrome is a common one that I’m sure we all have experienced at some point. I consider myself to be a ‘recovering perfectionist’. This is because, for many years, I always wanted things to be perfect before I took certain steps/actions. On reflection, I’ve learned that this never favored me positively. Instead, it meant that I experienced anxiety, missed taking steps I should have, and take away the fun (& if you know me, I’m about having fun and enjoying every season).
How did you overcome these challenges/blockers if any? Please share the practical steps you took.
To help overcome this, I remind myself of who I am, who God has made me, my growth my achievements, and my dreams. To overcome perfectionism, I had to unlearn a lot of things. I first had to realize and tell myself that this was a hindrance to me and things needed to change. I had to regularly tell myself that it was about progress, not perfection. I had conversations with trusted people who spoke life into me. I took action on tasks even when they were ‘not perfect’ (according to my previous standard). The more I undertook such tasks and saw the positive results, the more I was able to let go of the notion of perfectionism. I am a Christian so God is my foundation. In moments where anxiety would creep in because I felt something wasn’t perfect, I was intentional about speaking God’s word (from the Bible) which reminded me not to worry but to trust God, etc. I’m still a work in progress but I’m not where I used to be and I’m enjoying the journey so much more.
Who is your role model and why?
My amazing mother. Her life is such an inspiration to me. She is a wife, mother of 5, professional, and a business woman amongst other things. She is just so amazing and she shows me what is possible and that I can do and achieve great things. Social media and books are great in that you get to follow the journey of other amazing people who show you what is possible.
Do you have a mentor or a coach? If yes, which one? if not, why not?
I have a work mentor. I don’t have a coach but I’ve been coached by different people over the years.
If you are married with/without children, how do you balance/align your home commitments with your career/side hustle workload?
I take one day at a time and give myself a lot of grace. I’m careful about using the word ‘balance’ as I don’t know if I’ve mastered that or will ever do. I try and prioritize tasks and work as a team with my husband. I write to-do lists and plan as much as I can. If I am unable to do something, I am kind to myself and look at how and if I can make things happen. As much as possible, I prioritize rest and self-care as I’ve learned over time that it helps me to not feel overwhelmed and it means I’m able to keep filling my cup so I can continue to pour out to others. I accept help, set boundaries and outsource when I can. I work with a spirit of excellence and as unto God. Ultimately I hope, rely on, trust, and believe that my life is in God’s hands and he’s got me. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
What one piece of advice would you give to other women about them stepping into their power and purpose unapologetically?
Believe that you can do it, and you will. It all starts in the mind. Even if it takes time, stay focused, keep taking one step at a time, keep trusting in God’s plan, practice gratitude, and don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the journey. You’ve got this.
Thank you so much for your time, Esther. We celebrate you today and always.