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  • hellomade4more

Keep The Flame Alive

Many times we tend to douse our flame consciously or not, we allow the very things that are meant to aid the burning of the bush (faith) to be the same things to put it out.

They may look harmless or inconsequential from the start but the truth is, in the long run, your flame burns out.

And I know the question on your mind, "How do I keep the flame from going out?" This is an intelligent question, so here are some tips to help you keep the flame alive.

  1. Pray daily, it is vital

  2. Take out time to praise and worship God.

  3. Meditate on the word of God

  4. Declare out loud his promises over your life

  5. Yield to the spirit of God within you

  6. Fellowship with the brethren

And, to you who desire to reignite or ignite your flame, we have some tips for you too.....

  1. Fast: purge yourself of things or people that are putting out your fire, take out time.

  2. Pray: build your prayer Life by praying every day. Just so you know, you can never pray enough. See it as talking to your good father or your best friend.

  3. Read, Meditate & Act upon the word of God

  4. A spiritual accountability partner who can meditate on the word of God and pray with you.

Do you need to reignite your flame or keep it burning? Do you need someone to hold you accountable? Do you want to be part of a community that encourages (DWT) using this link:

Do not forget to share your tips in the comment section and share this blog with your loved ones.


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